By Lily Edwards
Finding and securing a training contract is notoriously difficult due to the limited
spaces and subsequent competitive application process. The current economic
climate added pressure of a recession means not as many firms will be offering
training contracts in the years to come, meaning this process will only become more
difficult. However, while this is an overwhelming thought, try not to panic. We have
comprised some tips to boost your chances of securing a training contract, despite
the recession.

Break the guidelines
It is advised that students who wish to secure a training contract should aim to make
about 7-10 applications at the firms they resonate most with. While it is still
important to only choose firms which you resonate with, you may wish to apply for
up to 15 firms to increase your chances. However, it goes without saying that this is a
lot of work to take on, as each application takes about 2 days, according to However, though time-consuming, one added benefit of this of
method is practise. Not only are you increasing your chances of securing a training
contract by applying to more firms, but you are widening your opportunities to
attend assessment days and sit tests will improve your overall interview confidence.
Make speculative applications
This is another time-consuming activity, but one which can seriously pay off if
successful. Many city firms will advertise their TC’s on popular platforms such as, Handshake, and LinkedIn. However, smaller regional and high street
firms may not advertise trainee positions due to the recession but may be willing to
take on one or two trainees if contacted and seeing your potential and connection to
their firm. It is therefore an idea to write a cover style letter, personal to each firm
and explain why you are interested in the firm and why. It is imperative that you
choose firms which you are interested in for this to be successful, as showing how
keen you are but being genuine about your approach is what helps to lead to an inperson
Keep track of application deadlines
It can seem overwhelming to make up to 15 applications, when each one takes hours
to complete, especially alongside juggling studies and a job during the current
economic climate. However, one tip to make this more manageable is to make a list
of the deadlines for each one you wish to apply to and work from soonest to latest
deadline. Starting your applications as early as possible helps with this. Allow
yourself at least a week to go over each application so you have the time to read
over and alter your answers should you need to, which also means you can work
around studies and a job.
Use your connections
It is no secret that knowing people in an industry is a huge advantage, and this
applies to law and training contracts. One idea is to ask any friends/course mates you
may have from law school who have secured a training contract for tips and to read
your application. However, unfortunately not everyone has friends or contacts in the
industry, and this is where LinkedIn can be useful! Search up the firm you are
thinking of applying to, and more often than not you will be able to find current
trainees or newly qualified solicitors. These people will have been in your shoes
before and will often be very willing to help you by offering tips and advice.
Finally…Try not to panic!
This is undoubtedly easier said than done. However, you must remember that if you
are looking for a training contract, it means that you have successfully completed
your undergraduate (and possibly GDL). This means you have the required skills and
knowledge under your belt. It is a game of patience and dedication, and so long as
you persevere you can succeed!