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Shine light on the law with our LPC and SQE notes

LPC and SQE notes for those aiming for a distinction on the LPC or aiming to pass the SQE. These revision notes contain PDFs and Word Documents and will contain all the materials you need for Business Law & Practice (BLP), Criminal Litigation, Civil Litigation and Property Law & Practice (PLP).    Shop SQE notes  |  Shop LPC notes  |  LPC Video tutorials

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"These notes the best on the market right now. I only use these sets of notes for my LLM as I trust that these will help me achieve a distinction. They follow the same clear structure and give you tips a tricks on what you should be thinking about in different scenarios which help you achieve those extra marks. Well worth the money."

Andy Neale

"Thank you Brigitte for posting your notes! They have boosted my grades in ways I could have never imagined. I love the colour-coding and the structure you follow, all the reading took me so much less time to go through."

Zsuzsanna Hegyes

"First off, I just want to say a huge thank you for making these notes and posting them for students. I am autistic and have a learning disability and find it very difficult to read through material that is not clearly sign-posted. For some reason, my mind is able to take in information the way you put it. So easy."

Rekha Giri

"Thank you for your quick responses and help when I needed it the most. You are doing God's work with what you do. Your notes are the best ones out there, I can't wait to see what you do next."

Martin Williams

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Focus only on what's important

Our revision notes are your simplified guide to law for students studying the LNAT, LLB, LPC and SQE. 

Save time when preparing for your classes and exams by only focusing on material that is actually relevant. Our study guides are already highlighted, colour-coded and follow recommended exam structures.

These bestselling notes will be an invaluable resource during revision time and consolidation. We made sure that we present study materials in a logical structure that is clear and concise, saving you time and stress.

Still not sure? Why not purchase our showcase guide on BLP Tax for the LPC for less than the price of your daily coffee? See it for yourself for just £3.99 here.

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