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Advanced Commercial Litigation Revision notes for the LPC optimised for BPP University students. Also suitable for other universities.


Word count: 16,900+

Pages: 20


Why to waste money on notes that simply replicate the materials you receive in class? These Revision notes have been restructured and optimised for exams. I have spent months simplifying the material to make sure that they are easy to understand using a structured step-by-step guide and  clear table formats.


These notes are as concise as they can possibly be to make studying for exams quicker while summarising all SGS course content so you don't have to when you are already pressed for time. You will also find these notes extremely helpful when you begin your term -  you can use them as a guide so you know which points to focus on before you even begin.

LPC Advanced Commercial Litigation Revision notes 2024

  • 1. Conflict of laws - Contract

    2. Conflict of laws - Tort

    3. Forum shopping

    4. Advanced statements of case

    5. Advanced disclosure

    6. Regulatory disputes

    7. Search orders

    8. Judicial review

    9. Commercial court
